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Kibale National Park Forest Regulations for Chimpanzee Trekking

Kibale National Park Forest Regulations for Chimpanzee Trekking

As you embark on your chimpanzee trekking adventure in Kibale National Park, it’s crucial to adhere to the following regulations to ensure a safe and respectful experience for both visitors and the primates:

  1. Nature of the Forest:
    • Kibale National Park is a tropical rainforest, not a zoo. Sightings of primates depend on factors such as the time of day, fruit availability, weather, and the tranquility of the primate group.
  2. Group Size:
    • The maximum number of people in a group is 8 visitors per guided walk. This ensures a more intimate and controlled wildlife encounter.
  3. Duration of Interaction:
    • The maximum time allowed with the chimpanzees is one hour. However, the guide may use discretion to shorten the time to eliminate stressful situations for the chimps.
  4. Guided Walks:
    • When trekking, remain in a tight group and strictly follow the guide’s directions. The guide is responsible for leading the group through the forest during tracking.
  5. Maintain Distance:
    • Maintain a distance of 8 meters from the chimps or as advised by your guide. Avoid chasing, descending towards, or walking on higher ground than the primates.
  6. Health Precautions:
    • Do not enter the forest if you are sick, as this can pose a serious risk of disease transmission to the animals.
  7. Eating Etiquette:
    • Refrain from eating near the chimps and other primates while in the park to avoid any negative interactions.
  8. Noise Level:
    • Avoid shouting in the forest. Maintain total silence or speak at a low tone to minimize disturbance.
  9. Attire:
    • Wear long boots that cover your toes and long trousers. These precautions help protect against red ants and provide stability on slippery trails. Carry waterproof clothing during the rainy season.
  10. Age Restrictions:
    • Children under 15 years are not allowed to view the chimps for safety reasons.
  11. Personal Needs:
    • If you need to urinate, do so off the trail system under the guidance of the guide.
    • If you need to defecate, do so off the trail system and bury all waste in a hole.
  12. Photography Guidelines:
    • Do not use a flashlight on your camera while taking photos to avoid disturbing the animals.
  13. Vocalization:
    • Do not mimic chimpanzee voices, as this may provoke an aggressive response.

By adhering to these regulations, you contribute to the conservation efforts and ensure a positive and responsible wildlife experience in Kibale National Park.