+256 705 938 816 info@kanyanchuvisitorcenter.com


The park host training from different institutes within the country that runs tourism related courses. This gives a good practical ground for the students to be able to do their field work and be able to attain their relevant qualifications in different academic fields as professionals in tourism field as its one of the necessity to achieve the award in the education system. Different universities and institutes such as Makerere University, MUBS, Mutesa University, do send their students here for field work trainings.

Fred who is today one of the Kanyanchu Visitor’s Center information consultant, in not only helping clients with different information about the part and its tourism related information, but is one of the highly qualified persons in the tourism field who did his 2 internship from Semuliki National Park and lastly in Kibale National Park, which gave him a great knowledge of the park that he shares today with us and helps him to run the tourism day to day office operations.

The internship students not only benefit from the park as learn the practical skills and the attaining the award of their institute programmes, they as well play a vital role to the park management and tourists in a long run.

The students act as student guide as a support guide during the trekking period while with the chimpanzees

The internees play a vital role in the day to day habituation of the chimpanzee in the park.

The students help in the filling up of the park data base.

The internees, help in the general cleanliness of the Visitor center and the public hygienic places

The internees help as well in the preparation of the food for the field guides so that when they return from their tracking they find food ready.

The internees provide relevant information assistances to the tourists.

The internees, helps in the sharing of relevant related tourism information with the park officials as they write up reports at the end of their field study.

With your support, these students are able to learn a lot from their field work and become your next senior consultants and tour operators in tourism field, who will serve you on your next visit to Uganda.