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Chimpanzee Trekking Group Registration Process at Kibale National Park

Chimpanzee Trekking Group Registration Process at Kibale National Park

When embarking on the thrilling adventure of chimpanzee trekking in Kibale National Park, it is essential to undergo a systematic registration process. This ensures a smooth and organized experience for both visitors and park authorities. Here’s a detailed guide on the chimpanzee trekking group registration process:

  1. Preparation:
    • Prior to the trek, ensure you have all necessary documents, including your chimpanzee trekking permit and passport. These documents will be required during the registration process.
  2. Entrance Gate Registration:
    • Upon arrival at the entrance gate of Kibale National Park, both visitors and drivers/guides of the vehicles will need to register. This initial registration captures basic information and helps in managing the flow of visitors entering the park.
  3. Visitor’s Book Registration:
    • All clients participating in activities such as chimpanzee trekking are required to register on the visitor’s book. This is a crucial step for record-keeping, accountability, and data management. It ensures that the park is aware of your presence and participation in specific activities.
  4. Chimpanzee Trekking Permit Presentation:
    • For those engaged in chimpanzee trekking, the presentation of the chimpanzee trekking permit is mandatory during the registration process. This permit serves as confirmation of your participation and allows park authorities to track the number of visitors engaging in this particular activity. You will need to show both the permits and payment receipts.
  5. Passport Submission:
    • In addition to the chimpanzee trekking permit, visitors are required to submit their passports during the registration process. This further verifies your identity and aligns with park regulations.
  6. Importance of Registration:
    • Registration serves multiple purposes, including maintaining accurate visitor records, managing the park’s visitor statistics, and ensuring accountability for the number of participants in specific activities. It contributes to effective data management and planning.
  7. Feedback and Comment Book:
    • Alongside the registration process, there is a comment book provided. Visitors are encouraged to share their feedback, comments, and assessments of their trekking experience. Both positive and negative feedback is valued as it aids in continuous improvement and staff appraisals.
  8. Customer Satisfaction:
    • Your satisfaction is paramount. By registering and providing feedback, you actively contribute to the enhancement of services and facilities. The park values your experience and aims to offer a memorable and enjoyable adventure.
  9. Enjoy Your Trek:
    • Once the registration process is complete, you are ready to embark on your chimpanzee trekking adventure. Follow the guidelines provided, stay with your allocated group, and savor the incredible beauty of Kibale National Park and its remarkable wildlife.

We appreciate your cooperation in the registration process and wish you an unforgettable chimpanzee trekking experience at Kibale National Park.

Enjoy the adventure!