Chimpanzee Diet at Kibale National Park: A Detailed Overview Chimpanzees at Kibale National Park have a diverse and omnivorous diet, incorporating various food sources into their daily intake. Here’s a breakdown of their diet: Fruits: Fruits contribute significantly to the chimpanzee diet, making up about 60 percent of their food intake. Among the favored fruits...Read More
Witnessing chimpanzee nesting in Kibale National Park is a captivating and insightful experience, providing a glimpse into the remarkable behavior and creativity of these primates. Here’s a closer look at the chimpanzee nesting phenomenon and what you can expect during your trekking adventure: Nest-Building Creativity: Chimpanzees engage in nesting as a form of tool use,...Read More
Are you looking for a bite after your chimpanzee trekking? Numbers of restaurant do exist near Kibale National Park to full fill your hunger to see that you have something for your stomach before your next activity of the day. You do not need to starve. Primate restaurant just next to Kanyanchu Visitor’s center ground...Read More
There has been an expansion on the parking space, so you don’t need to worry about the parking space at the visitor’s center. However you need to utilize the parking space well so that you may allow other vehicles to park as well. Some extra parking space for bigger caravans is available at the camping...Read More
Black and White Colobus Monkey They are known to be colobus monkeys due to the fact that they do miss the thumb finger. However your visit to Kibale will give you a chance to have a look at black and white colobus monkeys as they can be sited near the briefing area feeding on leaves,...Read More
Uganda Wildlife Authority provides the accommodation for the rangers guide. Other rangers stay at the ranger post at the Isunga at the main office, while those attached as guide to the tourism, sector, are based at Kanyanchu visitor’s center. Though a newly constructed facility is at Sebitoli where most rangers reside. However these accommodation facilities...Read More
Whether you’re doing chimpanzee trekking or nature or bird watching you will use the trails at some point. These trails are well maintained, but at some point they are busy as well. Take caution on the tree roots and fallen logs as you may knock them and land un certainly. At some point the trails...Read More
The park host training from different institutes within the country that runs tourism related courses. This gives a good practical ground for the students to be able to do their field work and be able to attain their relevant qualifications in different academic fields as professionals in tourism field as its one of the necessity...Read More