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Ngongo Community at Kibale National Park

Ngongo Community at Kibale National Park: A New Chimpanzee Trekking Experience

Introduction: Ngongo chimpanzee trekking is the latest addition to the offerings at Kibale National Park, starting in 2022. This site features the Ngongo chimpanzee community, recognized as the largest chimpanzee community globally, with over 200 individuals. The Ngongo community has been a subject of ongoing chimpanzee research led by David Watts (Yale University) and John Mitani (University of Michigan) since 1995.

Research Background:

  1. Chimpanzee Project: The Ngogo Chimpanzee Project, initiated in 1995, involves continuous research on the behavior, ecology, and physiology of the Ngongo chimpanzee community.
  2. Researchers: The project involves collaboration with Ph.D. and Post-doctoral students, Ugandan Research Assistants, and Dr. Jeremiah Lwanga (Project Manager and Director of MUBFS).

Habituation and Community Dynamics:

  1. Habituation: The Ngongo chimpanzees are well habituated to human presence due to ongoing research, allowing for a detailed and extensive understanding of their behavior.
  2. Community Size: Ngogo boasts the largest chimpanzee community, attributed to favorable habitat conditions, resulting in three times higher population density compared to nearby sites like Kanyawara.

Research Highlights:

  1. Social Relationships: Extensive research on male and female social relationships within the community.
  2. Mating Behavior: Investigation into mating behavior, influences on male reproductive success, and effects of kinship on social behavior.
  3. Hunting and Meat Sharing: Studies on influences on hunting frequency, success, and meat-sharing dynamics among chimpanzees.
  4. Inter-group Aggression: Understanding the function of inter-group aggression in chimpanzees.

Documentary and Tourism Introduction:

  1. Netflix Documentary: A documentary about the Ngongo chimpanzee community was produced by NETFLIX in 2023, highlighting its extraordinary size and social dynamics.
  2. Tourism Introduction: Ngongo chimpanzees have been introduced to tourism, with visitors now able to book chimpanzee trekking at Ngongo, contributing to increased tourism in Kibale National Park.

Chimpanzee Trekking Details:

  1. Permit Cost: The cost of a chimpanzee permit at Ngongo is fixed at 400 dollars per person.
  2. Trekking Process: Visitors meet at Kanyanchu Visitor Center for briefing and later drive to Ngongo for the trek, approximately 35 minutes away.
  3. Booking Process: The permits must be booked by a licensed tour operator at UWA park Headquarters’ at Isunga or at Kira Kampala. We can as well assist you with the arrangements. Booking must be done in advance as permits are limited

Combination Opportunities:

  1. Safari Packages: Ngongo chimpanzee trekking can be included in Uganda safaris, either alone or combined with other activities like Kanyawara chimpanzee trekking or gorilla trekking safaris.
  2. Chimpanzee Habituation: Visitors can combine trekking at Ngongo with chimpanzee habituation at Kibale National Park for a comprehensive chimpanzee experience.

Booking Information: To book Ngongo Chimpanzee trekking at Kibale National Park, visitors can get in touch with tour experts to curate a personalized Uganda Safaris experience.

Experience the wonders of Ngongo, the largest chimpanzee community, and contribute to the conservation and understanding of these incredible primates in their natural habitat. Get in touch with our team for the permit booking.