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Isunga Headquarters


Isunga Headquarters – Kibale National Park


  • Isunga Office serves as the main headquarters for Kibale Conservation Area, which includes Kibale National Park, Semuliki National Park, Sebitoli Game Reserve, and Tooro – Semuliki Wildlife Reserve.
  • It is situated 26 km away from Fort Portal town, accessible via a tarmac road leading to Kamwengye town, just after the bridge on the route from Kampala.

Role and Functions:

  • Isunga Office is the central hub for the management and coordination of Kibale Conservation Area.
  • It serves as the base station for the entire park management, overseeing planning, administration, and coordination of conservation efforts.

Management Meetings:

  • The office hosts meetings related to the management of the conservation areas, and wardens from other conservation areas often report here for discussions, fund allocations, and other park-related activities.

Proximity to Tourism Activities:

  • While Isunga is the administrative center, Kanyanyu Visitor’s Center, located 10 km away, serves as the focal point for tourism activities within Kibale National Park.
  • Kanyanyu Visitor’s Center is where tourists can access services such as booking and paying for chimpanzee permits, nature walks, and other park-related activities.


  • Isunga Office can be reached through a well-connected tarmac road, facilitating easy access for park management and visitors.

Accommodation and Services:

  • Several hotels and lodgings are located in the vicinity of Isunga, providing accommodation options for visitors and park officials.

Chimpanzee Permits and Packages:

  • For those seeking to book and pay for chimpanzee permits, nature walks, and other related park activities in Kibale National Park, Isunga Office offers these services.
  • Visitors can arrange and organize their chimpanzee experience as part of their overall package at Isunga.

Isunga Headquarters plays a crucial role in the effective management and coordination of conservation efforts and tourism activities within the Kibale Conservation Area.